
\n\t\tFAQ\n\t<\/h1>\n\t\t\tCan I drive on new Concrete??<\/a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tExpand<\/i><\/a>\n\t\t

We recommend waiting 7- 14 days of cure time after new concrete is placed before vehicles are allowed to drive on it. Concrete will crack otherwise<\/p>\n\t\t\tCan you prevent cracks?<\/a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tExpand<\/i><\/a>\n\t\t

Koncrete offers no guarantee for lineal shrinkage \/ cosmetic cracking, although every measure is taken to prevent cracking in accordance with the material that we specify which is of the highest standard. This includes the proper sub grade preparation to cutting the control joints in the correct locations<\/p>\n\t\t\tHow thick is standard Concrete?<\/a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tExpand<\/i><\/a>\n\t\t

Our standard slab is a minimum of 4 inches (100mm) thick with the supplied reinforced steel (Please note that whilst strict attention is given to concrete thickness, Koncrete will always guarantee above the minimum)<\/p>\n


Some situations will require us to pour 6 inches of concrete and this would be discussed before the project takes place.<\/p>\n\t\t\tHow are exposed-aggregate concrete finishes produced?<\/a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tExpand<\/i><\/a>\n\t\t

There are three ways of obtaining exposed-aggregate finishes on concrete slabs: seeding a select aggregate into the concrete surface, the monolithic technique where a select aggregate, usually gap-graded, is mixed throughout the batch of concrete, and exposing gap-graded aggregates in a special topping course. The process for producing monolithic exposed-aggregate finishes is as follows:<\/p>\n

\"20121120_121121-150x150\"1) Place the concrete containing the chosen aggregate in a normal manner in which you fill the forms.<\/p>\n

\"20121121_101928-150x150\"2) Spray the surface with retarder. Retarder does typically contain sugars but the formulations that are designed for use with concrete are strongly recommended for a more consistent performance. The retarder will slow the set characteristics of the discrete surface layer allowing the interior to harden while the exterior remains soft.<\/p>\n

\"20121121_153146-150x150\"3) The third phase is the difficult part. When the concrete has become hard enough to carry your weight without displacing the aggregate the surface is washed with a hose and scrub brush to remove the top layer of cement paste. Care must be taken not to displace the aggregate and not to expose the aggregate too deeply (this can cause the aggregate to lose bond and\/or be displaced).<\/p>\n

Caution: A too long delay in this part of the process can create extreme difficulty in the removal of the top paste layer. The retarder slows the set of the top surface but does not stop it completely. After the desired surface has been achieved with a final acid wash, the slab should be sealed with a clear sealer and curing compound.<\/p>\n\t\t\tWhat causes random concrete cracks and can they be avoided?<\/a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tExpand<\/i><\/a>\n\t\t


Random cracks in new concrete slabs are a common complaint from owners. What causes random cracks; what are the best strategies to avoid the occurrence of random cracks; what are reasonable expectations; and do all random cracks in slabs constitute a failure of the concrete? Random cracks in concrete slabs are most frequently caused one of the following mechanisms:<\/p>\n